Custei para fazer esse molde !! Provavelmente porque o método não foi, digamos assim... muito científico, mas me senti a própria Coco Chanel, criando empiricamente, rs.
It took me quite some work to put together this pattern!
Probably because the method I used was not too, shall we say... cientific, but I sure felt like Coco Chanel, creating empirically... rsrs
It took me quite some work to put together this pattern!
Probably because the method I used was not too, shall we say... cientific, but I sure felt like Coco Chanel, creating empirically... rsrs
De qualquer forma, esse molde de 6/7 meses vai servir para uma porção de modelitos – de tricô a tecido. Veremos se o resultado vai se igualar às expectativas.
Anyway, at least this pattern is going to be useful for a lot ofcute little designs - rangeing from knitting to fabrics.
Let´s hope the results live up to the expectations.
Anyway, at least this pattern is going to be useful for a lot ofcute little designs - rangeing from knitting to fabrics.
Let´s hope the results live up to the expectations.
Quando tenho uma idéia tento colocar em papel o mais rápido possível para não perder a imagem que tenho na cabeça. Já separei o tecido e as lãs com as quais pretendo fazer a barra no vestidinho lilás que vou fazer com esses materiais.
As soon as I have a new idea I try to put it on paper as quickly as possible so that I don´t lose the image that has formed itself in my head. I have already sorted out the fabric and the yarns which I will use to make this little cute lavender dress.
As soon as I have a new idea I try to put it on paper as quickly as possible so that I don´t lose the image that has formed itself in my head. I have already sorted out the fabric and the yarns which I will use to make this little cute lavender dress.
Começo com um vestidinho de fio de linha em azul bebê e cinza claro. Tenho uma idéia clara de como Blue Cloud vai ficar.
I am starting with this design I´ve created in pale blue and soft gray yarns. The image I have of this Blue Cloud design is very clear in my mind.
Fotografei o início do tricô em cima do molde riscado em papel Kraft (que vou guardar como um tesouro, na pasta de moldes).
I took a picture of the beginning of my knitting on top of the pattern drawn on Craft paper (which I will store as a precious treasure in my patterns' folder).
Outro projeto começado é a colcha de patchwork que serve de treino para as colchas e outros objetos que pretendo fazer para a Baby.
Another project I started is a patchwork throw, which wil serve as good training for blankets and other stuff I pretend to make for Baby.