April 23, 2011

I was missing some red in my life....

So this is the painting in progress
going on at this time.

Explosions and splashes of reds
on a big canvas
pretty much made my day.

My place isn't very big,
but I managed to create
a little painting niche.

And if I thought that sewing with
a tiny nosy kitten was challeging,
try to paint with such a
curious kitty creature around you...

... shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....
while she sleeps....


  1. I love the energy of your painting. Cute kitty =)

    xo, Rachel

  2. Great to see you painting again.
    Love the colors.

  3. Hello! I popped over from Stitched in Color, and was surprised to see that your blog is in Portuguese - one of my close friends just got back from visiting her family in Portugal. Beautiful painting - I love the colors. I have never tried painting with oil paint before (just watercolor), and the textures are fascinating.

  4. Hi Beccy,
    I have never been to Portugal, but still have hopes of doing it.
    Oil painting is all about layers. The more layers you put on, the more pleasurable it gets and new colors come to life.
    You should really consider trying. Start with a small canvas, if you feel intimidated.
    And please let me know. I'd love to see your progress.

    By the way, I hopped to your blog and I just love your boys. They seem to keep you pretty busy... in a good sense... he he

  5. Que chic, seu blog em inglês!
    Adorei suas telas, super coloridas!
    Têm vários progamas de ponto cruz, que fazem gráficos de qualquer imagem.
    Quero, mais pra frente, fazer gráficos além dos tradicionais, uns mais modernos, inspirados em
    arte comtemporânea.
    E sua arte é muito inspiradora!
