You might remember the sewing machine cover
I made almost a year ago.
At that time I had recently bought a sewing machine
and engaged in my first sewing projects.
I managed only to make the cover - no lining - but,
in my laid back nature, I told myself that
as soon as I have enough expertise
I would try to make the lining.
Well, the time has come, and
although it was still a difficult task,
I managed, and quite to my satisfaction I must add,
to finally tackle it.
I am so proud!!!
Since I am a self taught "everything",
it may have been made in
a non-professional way and all,
but it works for me.
It is even reversible (small wonder and totally not intented).
I doubt that I could repeat the same process again,
but each time it's a new adventure and
I love the challenge.